KO insurance data for 8 decks
KO is a counting system that has 3 groups of cards
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 --- L --- (low cards) --- tag = -1
- 8, 9 --- M --- (medium cards) --- tag = 0
- T, A --- H --- (high cards) --- tag = +1
When there are more low cards than high remaining to be dealt, running count is negative.
When there are more high cards than low remaining to be dealt, running count is positive.
When there are an equal number of low cards and high cards remaining to be dealt, running count is 0.
The above applies if KO is used as a balanced count. Often KO is used as an unbalanced count by altering the running count by a constant number. Since only running count is used in the data, the data will apply to unbalanced KO by altering the running count in the data by the same constant number used in the unbalanced KO system. The only thing that won't apply to the unbalanced system will be the true count ref figures and the true count summary estimations at the end.
There are 10 possible 2 card hands relative to KO and insurance: LL, LM, LT, LA, MM, MT, MA, TT, TA, AA
The points at which to insure each of these hands when number of decks is 8 are below:
- LL
- Running count <= -6 --- Never insure
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when 329-363 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.79 to -0.72
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when 251-380 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.83 to -0.55
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when 187-384 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.83 to -0.41
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 125 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.83
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 65 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.80
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, 6, or 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 10 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- LM
- Running count <= -6 --- Never insure
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when 274-380 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.95 to -0.68
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when 217-384 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.96 to -0.54
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when >= 163 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.96
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 109 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.95
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 57 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.91
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, 6, or 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 10 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- LT
- Running count <= -5 --- Never insure
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when 280-369 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.74 to -0.56
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when 205-378 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.76 to -0.41
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when 137-381 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.76 to -0.27
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 71 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.73
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, 6, or 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 10 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- LA
- Running count <= -7 --- Never insure
- Running count = -6 --- Insure when 287-380 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.09 to -0.82
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when 236-384 cards remain --- TC ref = -1,10 to -0.68
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when >= 189 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.10
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when >= 142 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.10
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 96 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.08
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 50 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.04
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, or 6 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- MM
- Running count <= -7 --- Never insure
- Running count = -6 --- Insure when 292-380 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.07 to -0.82
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when 240-384 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.08 to -0.68
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when >= 192 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.08
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when >= 144 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.08
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 97 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.07
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 50 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.04
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, or 6 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- MT
- Running count <= -6 --- Never insure
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when 304-367 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.86 to -0.71
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when 236-378 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.88 to -0.55
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when 176-381 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.89 to -0.41
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 118 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.88
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 61 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.85
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, 6, or 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 10 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- MA
- Running count <= -8 --- Never insure
- Running count = -7 --- Insure when 302-380 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.21 to -0.96
- Running count = -6 --- Insure when 255-384 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.22 to -0.81
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when >= 212 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.23
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when >= 169 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.23
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when >= 128 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.22
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 86 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.21
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 45 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.16
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, or 6 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- TT
- Running count <= -4 --- Never insure
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when 229-369 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.68 to -0.42
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when 151-375 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.69 to -0.28
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when 78-378 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.67 to -0.14
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, 6, or 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 10 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- TA
- Running count <= -7 --- Never insure
- Running count = -6 --- Insure when 315-367 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.99 to -0.85
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when 254-378 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.02 to -0.69
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when 202-381 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.03 to -0.55
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when >= 151 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.03
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 102 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.02
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 53 cards remain --- TC ref = -0.98
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, or 6 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
- AA
- Running count <= -9 --- Never insure
- Running count = -8 --- Insure when 310-380 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.34 to -1.09
- Running count = -7 --- Insure when 267-384 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.36 to -0.95
- Running count = -6 --- Insure when >= 228 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.37
- Running count = -5 --- Insure when >= 190 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.37
- Running count = -4 --- Insure when >= 152 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.37
- Running count = -3 --- Insure when >= 115 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.36
- Running count = -2 --- Insure when >= 77 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.35
- Running count = -1 --- Insure when >= 40 cards remain --- TC ref = -1.30
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when exactly 2, 4, or 6 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count = 0 --- Insure when >= 8 cards remain --- TC ref = 0
- Running count >= +1 --- Always insure
Summary (True count approximation for 2 card hands)
- L-L --- Insure if TC >= -0.8
- L-M --- Insure if TC >= -0.9
- L-T --- Insure if TC >= -0.7
- L-A --- Insure if TC >= -1.1
- M-M --- Insure if TC >= -1.1
- M-T --- Insure if TC >= -0.8
- M-A --- Insure if TC >= -1.2
- T-T --- Insure if TC >= -0.6
- T-A --- Insure if TC >= -1
- A-A --- Insure if TC >= -1.3